To independent directors with respect to their roles, responsibilities, liabilities, peer evaluation and monitoring of compliance with corporate laws. |
On setting up of companies in the financial services sector. |
On mergers, de-mergers and amalgamation of companies. |
On reduction of capital. |
On compliance with provisions governing Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) by certain companies. |
On compliance with laws governing companies on investor protection including the laws on transfer and transmission of securities. |
On setting up compliance processes, procedures and internal controls to mitigate the risk of non compliance. |
On registration and regulatory reporting under the provisions of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA") as well as regulatory reporting under Common Reporting Standards ("CRS"). |
On compliance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) regulations on businesses including that of:
- Stock broking.
- Merchant banking.
- Portfolio management.
- Debenture trustee.
- Depository participants.
- Mutual funds.
- Venture capital.
- Alternative investment.
- Investment advisers.
- Research analysts.
- Real estate investment.
On compliance with other SEBI regulations or guidelines including matters related to:
- Issuance of securities and disclosure requirements by companies with reference to initial public offer, follow on offer, rights offer, bonus and private placements by them.
- Buy back of shares.
- Employee stock option scheme (ESOP) and employee stock purchase scheme (ESOS).
- Prohibition of insider trading.
- Acquisition of shares and take over.
- Listing obligations and disclosure requirements.
On Foreign Exchange Management Act ("FEMA") and its regulations applicable to companies including:
- Foreign investment.
- Borrowings including External Commercial Borrowing.
- Lending in foreign currency.
- Investment in foreign securities.
- Regulatory reporting.
On Non Banking Finance Companies ("NBFC") related regulations and regulatory reporting required under the regulations. |